Bio-meet Program

Mode of instruction: English/Hindi

Online mode: either via phone call/zoom call

Book your slot to discuss your ideas for internship writeup or experimental plan

1. Book 15min slot at 29₹/2$

2. Book 30min slot at 49₹/5$

3. Book 60min slot at 99₹/10$

Book your slot to learn your topic of interest or career counselling from our expert

Book 60min slot at 149₹/15$

To book your slot for bio-meet, kindly fill up the form and wait for our approval, once we approve your idea or query please pay in advance as per your slot to confirm your booking. Once we received the payment, we will share the appointment details with you on your email to take you onboard for the enlightening bio-meet with us.

Book your slot for Bio-meet

Maximize your potential with our expert counselling